B Rewarded Rules - Boot Barn (2024)



Please read these Terms carefully for important information about your rights and obligations in the B REWARDED Loyalty Program (“Program”). Byparticipating in the program, you agree to these Terms.

In these Terms, “you” and “your” mean the B REWARDED Accountholder. “We,” “our,” and “us” mean Boot Barn, Inc. “Bank” means Comenity Capital Bank orits assignees.

The Program is provided by Boot Barn, Inc. Boot Barn is solely responsible for Program operation and may withdraw the Program or change the termsof the Program at any time. The purpose of the Program is to thank our customers for their patronage and reward customers for certain purchases madeat Boot Barn.

FOR THE MOST UP-TO-DATE TERMS, PLEASE VISIT WWW.BOOTBARN.COM/REWARDS or you may call Boot Barn Customer Service at 1-888-440-2668.

1. General Information; Definitions

The Program allows you to earn points (“Points”) on the dollars you spend as described in Section 4 below, including when you use your Boot BarnCredit Card Account (“Credit Account”). Accumulated Points are held in your B REWARDED Account until the required threshold is met. You willautomatically receive the Rewards (“Reward”) when the threshold is met to use at all participating Boot Barn locations, as described in Section 5below. Boot Barn respects your privacy and we do not sell your personal information. All information collected about you in connection with theProgram is subject to our privacy policy, which can be obtained at https://www.bootbarn.com/privacy_policy/privacy-policy,default,pg.html.
Please note: For Credit Accountholders, these Terms are separate and independent from your Boot Barn Credit Card Account Agreement (“CreditCard Agreement”), which governs the use of your Credit Account. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and your Credit Card Agreement,these Terms will control in any matter relating to the Program.

2. Program Membership and Enrollment

The Program is open to individuals who are at least 18 years of age and residents of the United States. Boot Barn Employees, commercialcustomers, and others purchasing items for resale are not eligible for membership in the Program. Employees and members of their immediate householdsare subject to Boot Barn’s employee purchase policies. Employees are not eligible to participate in the Program while employed at Boot Barn. AProgram member that becomes an employee of Boot Barn will have their B REWARDED account suspended for the duration of their employment, which wouldpreclude the issuance of future points and Rewards. If their employment status changes, the B REWARDED account may then be re-activated and able toearn points and Rewards again. Any previously earned points will continue towards expiration based on the original purchase date and any earnedRewards continue towards expiration and are unable to be used while employed at Boot Barn.
Customers may enroll online or at any participating Boot Barn store location. No purchase is necessary to enroll in the Program. To enroll in theProgram, you must provide a valid email address, physical mailing address, telephone number, and first and last name. Your permission to receivecommunications related to the Program is also required. See Member Privacy policy above.
You may cancel your participation in the Program in accordance with Section 12. Boot Barn Inc., at its sole discretion, may terminate yourparticipation without notice if continued participation would violate any terms of the Program. We reserve the right to approve, deny or revokeparticipation in the Program to any individual at any time for any reason whatsoever. If your participation in the Program is cancelled orterminated, whether by you or us, your B REWARDED Account will be closed, any Reward balance will be forfeited, and Program benefits will end.
You are not required to apply for a Boot Barn Credit Card in order to enroll in the Program.

3. Boot Barn Credit Card Eligibility. To apply for the Boot Barn Credit Card, you must be enrolled in the B REWARDED Loyalty Program

If approved for the Boot Barn Credit Card, your Credit Account will automatically be linked to the Program. Unless you cancel your participation,you will remain enrolled in the Program and earn at the Boot Barn Credit Card level when shopping with the credit card, as long as your CreditAccount remains open and in Good Standing and we continue to offer the Program. “Good Standing” means (1) your Credit Account is open to new chargesand not over your credit limit, (2) your Credit Account is not more than 60 days past due or otherwise in default, (3) your Credit Account is notflagged as lost, stolen, or fraudulent according to the Bank’s records, (4) your Credit Account is not in a hardship or workout program, and (5) youare not subject to a credit counseling arrangement relating to your Credit Account. If you have one or more Authorized Users on your Credit Account,Points earned using the Boot Barn Credit Card will accrue to the Authorized User(s) respective B REWARDED Account(s). If Authorized Users do not havea B REWARDED Account, no points will be earned on purchases. Boot Barn Credit Cardholders may continue to earn Points on eligible purchases withoutthe use of the Boot Barn Credit Card at the loyalty tier rate defined in Section 4(a) below.

4. Earning Points

The Program is limited to earning Points for Net Eligible Purchases. Net Eligible Purchases are purchases of goods and services for personal,family and household purposes minus any returns, refunds or credit adjustments, rounded to the nearest dollar after all discounts or coupons havebeen applied. Non-cardholders must provide the telephone number associated with their B REWARDED Account at time of purchase. Cardholders mustprovide the telephone number associated with their B REWARDED Account and use their Boot Barn Credit Card to earn at the accelerated rate.

Points are not earned on, and the term “Net Eligible Purchases” does not include: returns, refunds, credit adjustments, unauthorized or fraudulentcharges, charges that violate the terms of your Credit Card Agreement, purchases made by or for a business or for a business purpose, balancetransfers, interest, or fees. Points are not earned on purchases made using a Reward. Points will not be awarded for sales tax, shipping charges,fees or other excluded charges, or on the purchase of Boot Barn® gift cards. Points earned on items that are later returned will be deducted fromyour B REWARDED Account and any corresponding Reward may be invalidated, visit your B REWARDED Account for balance information. Reward points areearned on purchases made only by the B REWARDED Accountholder. Purchases made by anyone other than the actual B REWARDED Accountholder will not beadded to the B REWARDED Account. Points from purchases made by individuals living at the same household address may be applied to one B REWARDEDAccount if all individuals are listed on the B REWARDED Account. B REWARDED Accounts cannot be created using fictitious information or using personalinformation belonging to individuals other than the applicant. Spouses and family members within the same household may be added if they are presentduring the application. Points have no cash value and are non-transferable or exchangeable unless specifically authorized by Boot Barn®. We have theright to deduct Points from your Points balance for charges that were not or do not remain as Net Eligible Purchases. If your Points balance goesnegative, you must first earn Points to bring your Points balance to zero before earning any Points eligible for redemption. Points you earn may notbe combined with Points earned on any other B REWARDED Account. Points earned have no cash value and may not be used as payment of any outstandingobligation to the Bank or its affiliates or to Boot Barn.

(a) Points for Net Eligible Purchases.
B REWARDED Members will earn: One (1) Point for each $1.00 of Net Eligible Purchases (Loyalty tier).
B REWARDED Members that use their Boot Barn Credit Card, if your Credit Account is in Good Standing, will earn double the Loyalty tier at:

Two (2) Points for each $1.00 of Net Eligible Purchases made with the Boot Barn Credit Card.

(b) Points for Special Offers
From time to time, we may make special offers for you to earn additional Points for Net Eligible Purchases. These additional points are called “BonusPoints.” The way to earn Bonus Points, and the Bonus Points that can be earned, may vary. Read each offer carefully, as there may be importantconditions or limitations, such as blackout periods, Bonus Point limits, or exclusions. You may have to register to qualify for the offer. We maychange or withdraw an offer at any time without notice. Any such change or withdrawal will not affect Bonus Points already earned. If the specialoffer applies only to B REWARDED members using their Boot Barn Credit Card, your Net Eligible Purchase must be completed and the transaction chargedto your Credit Account during the special offer period in order for you to earn the applicable Bonus Points. For mail order, special order, online,and other purchases, please be aware that we may not charge you until items purchased have shipped. During special offer periods, making a return inthe same transaction as your purchase may result in earning fewer Points because Points are calculated off of your Net Eligible Purchase (in thiscase, your purchase minus return).

(c) Posting of Points Earned; Expiration; ForfeiturePosting of Points earned for the Program are typically updated to the B REWARDED Account within 24-48 hours of the purchase. At any time, we mayverify and adjust your Points balance based on our records and based on certain purchases not constituting, or no longer constituting, Net EligiblePurchases. Points will remain available in your Points balance until they are redeemed for a Reward as describe in Section 5, are forfeited, orexpire.

Points in the Program do not expire as long as you have at least 1 transaction within the previous 12 months. If after 12 months and you have noactivity on your B REWARDED Account, the Points balance will expire in its entirety.

Except as otherwise provided by applicable law, you will forfeit all unused Points if you file for bankruptcy, or your participation in the Programis terminated or your B REWARDED Account is closed for any reason. You will also forfeit Points as described below and in Sections 9 and 12. You willnot receive any compensation or new Points for your Points that expire or are forfeited.

Points may not be sold, purchased, brokered, bartered, transferred or altered in any way by you. Any attempted transaction of such sort willautomatically be void. Anyone engaging in such transactions will be liable for damages to us, including, but not limited to consequential damages,third party damages, transaction costs, attorney’s fees and court costs. Any violation of these provisions will result in termination of youreligibility to participate in the Program and forfeiture of unused Points.

5. Rewards

When you earn enough Points (a “Reward Level”), you will be eligible for a Reward. The current Reward Level is 250 Points (250 Points = $15Reward). There is a weekly maximum of $150 in Rewards. Any points not converted into Rewards in one week will remain in your account and, if over 250points, will be converted to additional Rewards the following week. Once 250 points have been earned, you will be notified via email within 14 daysthat you have a Reward. Reward Levels are subject to change without notice. Rewards have no cash value and are non-transferable or exchangeableunless specifically authorized by Boot Barn®. Rewards may not be used for purchase of gift cards.

You are responsible for notifying Boot Barn® of any change in address, email address, or home phone number. Boot Barn Inc. is not responsible forRewards that are lost, delayed, or misdirected.

Rewards expire within 60 days from the date of the email notice.

There is no limit to the amount of Rewards that may be used per purchase. You may not combine a Reward with any other discount or certificate, exceptas otherwise provided in the offer. For in-store purchases, you can select the amount of valid Rewards you want to use on a purchase. For example,if you have $60 in Rewards but want to use only $25 on a purchase you can do that and still have the remaining $35 Reward available on a futurepurchase prior to expiration. Any unused Rewards will remain available until used or expired. For online purchases, at this time you must use yourentire balance of Rewards in one transaction. If merchandise purchased with Rewards is returned, the value of the Reward will be re-applied back tothe B REWARDED Account within 48 hours of processing the return. Rewards are issued for reward purposes only. Rewards have no cash value and may notbe applied to taxes or shipping charges. Rewards will not be honored retroactively in connection with any prior purchases. Rewards may not be used aspayment of any outstanding obligations to the Bank or its affiliates. Any additional exclusions or limitations for use of Rewards will be provided to you on the Reward email notification.

To the extent allowed by applicable law, we may cancel any earned or outstanding Rewards if we become insolvent, unable to pay our debts when due,file an action under the U.S. Bankruptcy Code or have such an action filed against us.

6. Communications, Program Activity and Customer Service

We may contact you about the Program by mail, phone, e-mail or other methods permitted under applicable law. As needed, you agree to promptlyupdate your contact information at http://www.bootbarn.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-bootbarn_us-Site/default/Account-ViewRewards or by calling 1-888-440-2668.Neither we, nor our service providers, are responsible for communications, including Reward e-mail notices not delivered, due to incorrect or changedemail address or other contact information.

Points Balance for the Program can be found by visiting the Check My Balance page online at http://www.bootbarn.com/on/demandware.store/Sites-bootbarn_us-Site/default/Account-ViewRewards. You will needto enter your Account number or email address and zip code that is used for the Program. You may also check your Points Balance for your Account bycalling Boot Barn at 1-888-440-2668 or by visiting any retail store location.

Boot Barn® Inc. reserves the right to modify the structure, terms, conditions and any other aspects of the Program without prior notice or indemnity.The most current terms and conditions of the program can be found at www.bootbarn.com/rewardsor you may call Boot Barn at 1-888-440-2668. Boot Barn® Inc. reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to adjust account status due to computererror, machine malfunction, employee, customer or other error, fraud or other misuse of the program.

By enrolling in the Program, you are agreeing to allow us to collect and retain transactional information as it relates to this program. Youauthorize us to use such information to send marketing communications to you as a member. You may choose to opt out of marketing communicationsunrelated to the Program with no penalty to your membership status. Please refer to www.bootbarn.com/privacy or call 1-888-440-2668 for our most current Privacy Policy.

7. Points Disputes

If Points you believe were earned have not timely posted to your Points balance, you may dispute your Points balance (“Points Dispute”) bycontacting Customer Service at custserv@bootbarn.com or calling 1-888-440-2668. If you are in or near a retail store location, any store manager canlook up your rewards history and assist you in correcting the balance. We will use reasonable efforts to investigate your Points Dispute. We mayrequire you to provide written confirmation of the dispute and the applicable purchase receipt and may decline to investigate further if you do notprovide the requested confirmation or a valid receipt. Point Disputes may take up to 10 business days to verify. Upon completion of theinvestigation, we will have no further responsibilities if you later reassert the same Points Dispute. Please note that the dispute rights withrespect to your Credit Account under the Account Agreement do not apply to these Terms or to your rights and remedies under these Terms, which aresolely as set forth in these Terms. Your sole and exclusive remedy, and our maximum liability to you, in the event you prevail in a Points Dispute,is for us to credit the disputed Points to your Points balance.

8. Limited Liability

Unless otherwise required by law or our agreements with you, neither Boot Barn nor the Bank, nor any of our or its affiliates, officers,directors, employees, service providers, or agents will be liable to you, or anyone making a claim on your behalf, in connection with (a) anytermination of, change in, or suspension of the Program; (b) any claim relating to products purchased using any Rewards obtained through the Program;(c) any loss, damage, expense or inconvenience caused by any occurrence outside of our control; or (d) any taxes that you incur as a result ofreceiving or redeeming Points.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, any liability that we or they may have to you in connection with the Program shallbe limited to the amount of any Points you have earned in accordance with these Terms.
9. No Warranties

The Bank does not: (a) endorse Rewards or products or services purchased at Boot Barn using Rewards; (b) make any express or implied warrantyregarding Rewards or products or services purchased at Boot Barn; (c) guarantee the performance of Rewards or products or services purchased onwww.bootbarn.com; or (d) offer, operate or control Rewards offered through this Program.

10. Changes

Subject to any requirements or limitations of applicable law, we may at any time for any reason add to, change, limit, or terminate the Programor these Terms. To the extent allowed by applicable law, (a) changes may apply retroactively, and may affect outstanding transactions and Points, andmay result in you involuntarily forfeiting Points you have earned, and (b) changes will not affect issued or redeemed Rewards except to the extentallowed by applicable law.

11. Taxes

You are solely liable for any applicable taxes arising out of the accrual or use of Points or Rewards. Consult your tax advisor concerning suchtax consequences.

12. Cancelling Program Participation

You may cancel your participation in the Program at any time by contacting Customer Service at custserv@bootbarn.com or calling us at 1-888-440-2668. If you cancel your participation in the Program, you will no longer earn Points and you will forfeit your unused and unexpired Points. Yourcancellation will not affect any previously issued Rewards unless you also close your Account.

13. Governing Law; Assignment

The Program and these Terms are governed by federal law and, to the extent state law applies, the laws of the State of Utah, without any referenceto its choice of law provisions. You may not assign your rights or obligations under these Terms to any other person or entity. YOU AND WE AGREETHAT EACH OF US MAY BRING CLAIMS arising from or relating to these Terms ONLY ON AN INDIVIDUAL BASIS AND NOT AS A PLAINTIFF OR CLASS MEMBER IN ANYPURPORTED CLASS OR REPRESENTATIVE ACTION OR PROCEEDING.

“Claim,” as used in these Terms means any claim, dispute or controversy that in any way arises from or relates to these Terms.

14. Agreement to Arbitrate

Any party may elect to arbitrate any claim arising from or relating to these Terms (including disputes about the validity, scope or enforceabilityof this agreement to arbitration), in which case such claim shall be settled by binding arbitration on an individual basis and not as part of anyclass or representative action. Arbitration may be elected by any party with respect to any such Claim, even if that party has already initiated alawsuit with respect to a different Claim. We will not demand to arbitrate an individual Claim that you bring against us in small claims court oryour state’s equivalent court, if any. But if that Claim is transferred, removed or appealed to a different court, we then have the right to demandarbitration.

The arbitration will be conducted by the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"), JAMS, or any other company selected by mutual agreement of theparties (the “Administrator”), in accordance with the rules of the Administrator. Payment of all filing, administration and arbitrator fees will begoverned by the Administrator’s rules. If, however, you are able to demonstrate that the costs of arbitration will be cost-prohibitive for you ascompared to the costs of litigation, we will pay as much of the filing, administration and arbitrator fees as the arbitrator deems necessary toprevent the arbitration from being cost-prohibitive for you. The arbitrator will not have the power to award punitive or exemplary damages, the rightto which each party hereby waives. The arbitrator’s decision must be with written explanation and remain confidential. For purposes of this Section14, these Terms are governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. sec. 1-16 (FAA).

Opt-Out Procedures: You may choose to opt-out of this Agreement to Arbitrate by sending a written notice within 30 days after the date youaccept these Terms for the first time. You may send your opt-out notice by mail or hand delivery to 15345 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618 ATTN:Legal. Your opt-out notice must include your full name and clearly indicate your intent to opt-out of the arbitration provisions.

Prior to initiating any arbitration, the initiating party will give the other party at least 60 days' advanced written notice of its intent to filefor arbitration. We will provide such notice by mail or e-mail using the contact information on file with us and you must provide such notice by mailto us at 15345 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA 92618 ATTN: Legal.

15. Entire Agreement; Severability; Conflicts; No Waiver

These Terms contain the entire agreement between you and us regarding the Program, and supersede any previous terms and conditions governing theProgram we may have provided to you. The Program is not available where and to the extent prohibited by law. If any part of these Terms conflict withapplicable law, that provision will be deemed severed from these Terms and the remainder of the Terms will remain in effect. We will not lose ourrights under these Terms because we delay or do not enforce them. All waivers of any of these Terms by us must be in a writing executed by someonewith authority to bind us.

B Rewarded Rules - Boot Barn (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.