Community Report - Chemung County, New York (2024)

Community Report - Chemung County, New York (1) August 07, 2024


Risk Index is Relatively Low

Score 48.6

Expected Annual Loss is Very Low

Score 50.8

Social Vulnerability is Relatively Moderate

Score 58.0

Community Resilience is Very High

Score 83.7

While reviewing this report, keep in mind that low risk is driven by lower loss due to natural hazards, lower social vulnerability, and higher community resilience.

For more information about the National Risk Index, its data, and how to interpret the information it provides, please review the About the National Risk Index and How to Take Action sections at the end of this report. Or, visit the National Risk Index website at to access supporting documentation and links.

Risk Index

The Risk Index rating is Relatively Low for Chemung County, NY when compared to the rest of the U.S.

Community Report - Chemung County, New York (2)



49% of U.S. counties have a lower Risk Index

47% of counties in New York have a lower Risk Index

Risk Index Legend

Very High

Relatively High

Relatively Moderate

Relatively Low

Very Low

Not Applicable

Insufficient Data

Hazard Type Risk Index

Hazard type Risk Index scores are calculated using data for only a single hazard type, and reflect a community's Expected Annual Loss value, community risk factors, and the adjustment factor used to calculate the risk value.

Hazard Type Risk Index Rating Risk Index Score National Percentile
Avalanche Not Applicable --
Coastal Flooding Not Applicable --
Cold Wave Relatively Moderate 80.2
Drought Very Low 46.4
Earthquake Very Low 35.7
Hail Very Low 40.5
Heat Wave Relatively Low 51.7
Hurricane Relatively Low 63.8
Ice Storm Relatively Low 56.3
Landslide Relatively Moderate 82.7
Lightning Relatively Low 29.5
Riverine Flooding Relatively Moderate 86.6
Strong Wind Relatively Low 33.9
Tornado Relatively Low 52.2
Tsunami Not Applicable --
Volcanic Activity Not Applicable --
Wildfire Very Low 39.1
Winter Weather Very Low 5.5

Risk Factor Breakdown

Hazard Type EAL Value Social Vulnerability Community Resilience CRF Risk Value Risk Index Score
Riverine Flooding $2,607,332 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $2,864,733 86.6
Tornado $1,163,629 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $1,271,764 52.2
Hurricane $665,128 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $727,681 63.8
Cold Wave $343,916 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $374,347 80.2
Strong Wind $206,582 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $225,898 33.9
Landslide $122,400 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $127,384 82.7
Heat Wave $86,653 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $94,721 51.7
Ice Storm $83,682 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $91,298 56.3
Hail $64,880 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $69,983 40.5
Earthquake $52,922 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $62,376 35.7
Lightning $51,464 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $56,281 29.5
Wildfire $20,092 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $21,100 39.1
Drought $18,707 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $19,325 46.4
Winter Weather $2,995 Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 $3,278 5.5
Avalanche -- Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 -- --
Coastal Flooding -- Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 -- --
Tsunami -- Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 -- --
Volcanic Activity -- Relatively Moderate Very High 1.09 -- --

Expected Annual Loss

In Chemung County, NY, expected loss each year due to natural hazards is Very Low when compared to the rest of the U.S.

Community Report - Chemung County, New York (3)



51% of U.S. counties have a lower Expected Annual Loss

44% of counties in New York have a lower Expected Annual Loss

Expected Annual Loss Legend

Very High

Relatively High

Relatively Moderate

Relatively Low

Very Low

No Expected Annual Losses

Not Applicable

Insufficient Data

Composite Expected Annual Loss $5,490,383.17

Composite Expected Annual Loss Rate National Percentile 7.5

Building EAL $3,335,883.86

Population EAL 0.18 fatalities

Building EAL Rate $1 per $4.71K of building value

Population EAL Rate 1 per 474.22K people

Agriculture EAL $96,449.40

Population Equivalence EAL $2,058,049.91

Agriculture EAL Rate $1 per $226.13 of agriculture value

Expected Annual Loss for Hazard Types

Expected Annual Loss scores for hazard types are calculated using data for only a single hazard type, and reflect a community's relative expected annual loss for only that hazard type.

14 of 18 hazard types contribute to the expected annual loss for Chemung County, NY.

Hazard Type Expected Annual Loss Rating EAL Value Score
Riverine Flooding Relatively Moderate $2,607,332 87.2
Tornado Relatively Low $1,163,629 55.9
Hurricane Relatively Low $665,128 63.1
Cold Wave Relatively Moderate $343,916 81.2
Strong Wind Relatively Low $206,582 38.0
Landslide Relatively Moderate $122,400 85.9
Heat Wave Relatively Low $86,653 54.4
Ice Storm Relatively Low $83,682 57.2
Hail Relatively Low $64,880 44.0
Earthquake Very Low $52,922 35.8
Lightning Relatively Low $51,464 32.7
Wildfire Very Low $20,092 39.7
Drought Very Low $18,708 48.9
Winter Weather Very Low $2,995 8.4
Avalanche Not Applicable -- --
Coastal Flooding Not Applicable -- --
Tsunami Not Applicable -- --
Volcanic Activity Not Applicable -- --

Expected Annual Loss Values

Hazard Type Total Building Value Population Equivalence Population Agriculture Value
Avalanche -- -- -- -- --
Coastal Flooding -- -- -- -- --
Cold Wave $343,916 $1,325 $321,150 0.03 $21,441
Drought $18,707 n/a n/a n/a $18,707
Earthquake $52,922 $43,532 $9,390 0.00 n/a
Hail $64,880 $18,307 $33,425 0.00 $13,148
Heat Wave $86,653 $0 $86,315 0.01 $339
Hurricane $665,128 $639,985 $12,387 0.00 $12,755
Ice Storm $83,682 $77,597 $6,086 0.00 n/a
Landslide $122,400 $105,000 $17,400 0.00 n/a
Lightning $51,464 $5,946 $45,518 0.00 n/a
Riverine Flooding $2,607,332 $2,117,509 $461,391 0.04 $28,432
Strong Wind $206,582 $63,424 $141,722 0.01 $1,436
Tornado $1,163,629 $242,948 $920,497 0.08 $184
Tsunami -- -- -- -- --
Volcanic Activity -- -- -- -- --
Wildfire $20,092 $18,250 $1,841 0.00 $1
Winter Weather $2,995 $2,062 $928 0.00 $5

Exposure Values

Hazard Type Total Building Value Population Equivalence Population Agriculture Value
Avalanche -- -- -- -- --
Coastal Flooding -- -- -- -- --
Cold Wave $991,690,403,020 $15,702,593,042 $975,966,000,000 84,135.00 $21,809,978
Drought $2,503,952 n/a n/a n/a $2,503,952
Earthquake $991,819,156,000 $15,702,356,000 $976,116,800,000 84,148.00 n/a
Hail $991,690,403,020 $15,702,593,042 $975,966,000,000 84,135.00 $21,809,978
Heat Wave $991,690,403,020 $15,702,593,042 $975,966,000,000 84,135.00 $21,809,978
Hurricane $991,243,616,228 $15,698,663,250 $975,523,176,687 84,096.83 $21,776,291
Ice Storm $991,668,593,042 $15,702,593,042 $975,966,000,000 84,135.00 n/a
Landslide $338,203,983,664 $5,003,842,335 $333,200,141,329 28,724.15 n/a
Lightning $991,668,593,042 $15,702,593,042 $975,966,000,000 84,135.00 n/a
Riverine Flooding $42,778,852,458 $939,114,734 $41,835,005,636 3,606.47 $4,732,088
Strong Wind $991,690,403,020 $15,702,593,042 $975,966,000,000 84,135.00 $21,809,978
Tornado $991,690,403,020 $15,702,593,042 $975,966,000,000 84,135.00 $21,809,978
Tsunami -- -- -- -- --
Volcanic Activity -- -- -- -- --
Wildfire $308,876,280,931 $4,552,911,012 $304,314,674,366 26,234.02 $8,695,553
Winter Weather $991,690,403,020 $15,702,593,042 $975,966,000,000 84,135.00 $21,809,978

Annualized Frequency Values

Hazard Type Annualized Frequency Events on Record Period of Record
Avalanche -- -- --
Coastal Flooding -- -- --
Cold Wave 1.1 events per year 17 2005-2021 (16 years)
Drought 1 event per year 49 2000-2021 (22 years)
Earthquake 0.013% chance per year n/a 2021 dataset
Hail 2.1 events per year 73 1986-2021 (34 years)
Heat Wave 0.3 events per year 5 2005-2021 (16 years)
Hurricane 0 events per year 4 East 1851-2021 (171 years) / West 1949-2021 (73 years)
Ice Storm 0.3 events per year 23 1946-2014 (67 years)
Landslide 0 events per year 0 2010-2021 (12 years)
Lightning 30.6 events per year 673 1991-2012 (22 years)
Riverine Flooding 1.5 events per year 37 1996-2019 (24 years)
Strong Wind 1.5 events per year 51 1986-2021 (34 years)
Tornado 0.1 events per year 6 1950-2021 (72 years)
Tsunami -- -- --
Volcanic Activity -- -- --
Wildfire 0.001% chance per year n/a 2021 dataset
Winter Weather 3.8 events per year 61 2005-2021 (16 years)

Historic Loss Ratios

Hazard Type Overall Rating
Avalanche --
Coastal Flooding --
Cold Wave Very Low
Drought Relatively High
Earthquake Relatively Low
Hail Very Low
Heat Wave Very Low
Hurricane Relatively Low
Ice Storm Relatively Low
Landslide Relatively Low
Lightning Very Low
Riverine Flooding Very Low
Strong Wind Very Low
Tornado Relatively Moderate
Tsunami --
Volcanic Activity --
Wildfire Relatively Low
Winter Weather Very Low

Expected Annual Loss Rate

Hazard Type Building EAL Rate
(per building value)
Population EAL Rate
(per population)
Agriculture EAL Rate
(per agriculture value)
Avalanche -- -- --
Coastal Flooding -- -- --
Cold Wave $1 per $11.85M 1 per 3.04M $1 per $1.02K
Drought -- -- $1 per $1.17K
Earthquake $1 per $360.71K 1 per 103.94M --
Hail $1 per $857.76K 1 per 29.20M $1 per $1.66K
Heat Wave $1 per $185.19B 1 per 11.31M $1 per $64.42K
Hurricane $1 per $24.54K 1 per 78.79M $1 per $1.71K
Ice Storm $1 per $202.36K 1 per 160.37M --
Landslide $1 per $149.55K 1 per 56.09M --
Lightning $1 per $2.64M 1 per 21.44M --
Riverine Flooding $1 per $7.42K 1 per 2.12M $1 per $767.09
Strong Wind $1 per $247.58K 1 per 6.89M $1 per $15.19K
Tornado $1 per $64.63K 1 per 1.06M $1 per $118.72K
Tsunami -- -- --
Volcanic Activity -- -- --
Wildfire $1 per $860.44K 1 per 530.00M $1 per $18.44M
Winter Weather $1 per $7.61M 1 per 1.05B $1 per $4.17M

Social Vulnerability

Social groups in Chemung County, NY have a Relatively Moderate susceptibility to the adverse impacts of natural hazards when compared to the rest of the U.S.

Community Report - Chemung County, New York (4)



58% of U.S. counties have a lower Social Vulnerability

71% of counties in New York have a lower Social Vulnerability

Social Vulnerability Legend

Very High

Relatively High

Relatively Moderate

Relatively Low

Very Low

Data Unavailable

Community Resilience

Communities in Chemung County, NY have a Very High ability to prepare for anticipated natural hazards, adapt to changing conditions, and withstand and recover rapidly from disruptions when compared to the rest of the U.S.

Community Report - Chemung County, New York (5)



16% of U.S. counties have a higher Community Resilience

29% of counties in New York have a higher Community Resilience

Community Resilience Legend

Very High

Relatively High

Relatively Moderate

Relatively Low

Very Low

Data Unavailable

About the National Risk Index

The National Risk Index is a dataset and online tool to help illustrate the United States communities most at risk for 18 natural hazards: Avalanche, Coastal Flooding, Cold Wave, Drought, Earthquake, Hail, Heat Wave, Hurricane, Ice Storm, Landslide, Lightning, Riverine Flooding, Strong Wind, Tornado, Tsunami, Volcanic Activity, Wildfire, and Winter Weather.

The National Risk Index leverages available source data for Expected Annual Loss due to these 18 hazard types, Social Vulnerability, and Community Resilience to develop a baseline relative risk measurement for each United States county and Census tract. These measurements are calculated using average past conditions, but they cannot be used to predict future outcomes for a community. The National Risk Index is intended to fill gaps in available data and analyses to better inform federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial decision makers as they develop risk reduction strategies.

Explore the National Risk Index Map at

Visit the National Risk Index website at to access supporting documentation and links.

Calculating the Risk Index

Risk Index scores are calculated using an equation that combines scores for Expected Annual Loss due to natural hazards, Social Vulnerability and Community Resilience:

Risk Index = Expected Annual Loss × Social Vulnerability ÷ Community Resilience

Risk Index scores are presented as a composite score for all 18 hazard types, as well as individual scores for each hazard type.

For more information, visit

Calculating Expected Annual Loss

Expected Annual Loss scores are calculated using an equation that combines values for exposure, annualized frequency, and historic loss ratios for 18 hazard types:

Expected Annual Loss = Exposure × Annualized Frequency × Historic Loss Ratio

Expected Annual Loss scores are presented as a composite score for all 18 hazard types, as well as individual scores for each hazard type.

For more information, visit

Calculating Social Vulnerability

Social Vulnerability is measured using the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

For more information, visit

Calculating Community Resilience

Community Resilience is measured at the County level using the Baseline Resilience Indicators for Communities (HVRI BRIC) published by the University of South Carolina's Hazards and Vulnerability Research Institute (HVRI).

For more information, visit

How to Take Action

There are many ways to reduce natural hazard risk through mitigation. Communities with high National Risk Index scores can take action to reduce risk by decreasing Expected Annual Loss due to natural hazards, decreasing Social Vulnerability, and increasing Community Resilience.

For information about how to take action and reduce your risk, visit


The National Risk Index (the Risk Index or the Index) and its associated data are meant for planning purposes only. This tool was created for broad nationwide comparisons and is not a substitute for localized risk assessment analysis. Nationwide datasets used as inputs for the National Risk Index are, in many cases, not as accurate as available local data. Users with access to local data for each National Risk Index risk factor should consider substituting the Risk Index data with local data to recalculate a more accurate risk index. If you decide to download the National Risk Index data and substitute it with local data, you assume responsibility for the accuracy of the data and any resulting data index. Please visit the Contact Us page if you would like to discuss this process further.

The methodology used by the National Risk Index has been reviewed by subject matter experts in the fields of natural hazard risk research, risk analysis, mitigation planning, and emergency management. The processing methods used to create the National Risk Index have produced results similar to those from other natural hazard risk analyses conducted on a smaller scale. The breadth and combination of geographic information systems (GIS) and data processing techniques leveraged by the National Risk Index enable it to incorporate multiple hazard types and risk factors, manage its nationwide scope, and capture what might have been missed using other methods.

The National Risk Index does not consider the intricate economic and physical interdependencies that exist across geographic regions. Keep in mind that hazard impacts in surrounding counties or Census tracts can cause indirect losses in your community regardless of your community's risk profile.

Nationwide data available for some risk factors are rudimentary at this time. The National Risk Index will be continuously updated as new data become available and improved methodologies are identified.

The National Risk Index Contact Us page is available at

Community Report - Chemung County, New York (2024)


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.