Collecting science from the Mun (2024)

That's certainly in the spirit of my trying to minimize launches, good idea Collecting science from the Mun (1)

What does your lander look like? Mine is already having a hard time landing from and getting back into a 35 km Mun orbit, I'm sure there's lot of room for improvement there.

Pictures: - Stack of three landers inside the fairing of the Munraker XI rocket - On the launchpad, right side with thermometer and communotron - On the launchpad, left side with gravioli detector and accelerometer - On the launchpad, front with landing spotlight and life support canister

Now obviously this was done with some mods installed. However, the basic principle is still valid with stock parts. You want a low center of mass and a wide stance, so that you don't risk tipping over on landing. Thus I put the lander can in the bottom middle and used quad side-mounted fuel tanks. They have little engines at the bottom, which takes less space than one central engine below the lander can. Up top I put the materials bay and the goo canister. That latter one requires some tinkering, because it unbalances the craft. I ended up using the life support canister as a counterweight on the other side, but if you play without mods than you'll need to find a different solution for the off-center weight (possibly work with the parachute placement). Obviously if you only have one lander you can put the goo canister on top, but with stacked landers you need that spot for a decoupler. Notice how the decoupler is flipped upside down, so that it sticks to the underside instead of to the top and thus contributes to keeping the center of mass low.

My landing legs look a little funny because I needed to fit them inside the diameter of the fairing. With stock parts you don't have that problem and can mount them however you want.

I'm using two mini-RTGs for power; without mods, put solar panels there. One on each side is plenty, as the only thing that consumes power on this thing is the reaction wheel of the lander can. The antenna can be used to transmit crew/EVA reports so you don't have to wait for the return, but ultimately it's optional.

For engines, I think that lander has a grand total of either 20 or 24 kN of thrust; I forget if each engine was 5 or 6. But the point is, you can work with the Rockomax 48-7S here and easily get away with only using two engines (even that will give you 60 kN, almost three times what my lander has). Mount them diagonally and use fuel lines to feed fuel from those tanks that don't have engines into those that do. It will still be symmetric.

Now, the fuel tanks can get somewhat annoying with stock parts because you don't have a proper elongated 0.625m tank. You'll have to stack Oscar-B's. Also try and make use of the toroidal tanks on the ends, they have less dry mass per fuel, meaning you get more dV. As for how much fuel you'll need in total, you need to experiment as the mass ratio and engine Isp will be different from my configuration.

The most important part to save fuel though: don't bother with a 35km orbit, that costs too much fuel. The highest elevation on the Mun is 7km high, so an orbit between 8km and 10km is perfectly sufficient (and maximizes what little Oberth effect the low gravity can give you). Then comes knowing how to return to Kerbin in the most efficient fashion: circularize at that altitude in an orbit that intersects the points where the Mun's own orbit lines hit the surface. In most cases, that works by launching towards the 90° heading, no matter where you are on the Mun (but practice this). Then make a maneuver node to plan your ejection burn, and eject fully retrograde. This should be the last burn you need to perform, as you can get your Kerbin periapsis to ca. 30km directly from that maneuver node. Moving the node itself around helps you find the position where this costs the least amount of dV.

Then you just coast home and perform reentry. Two radial parachutes slow the craft down for landing.

Notice the two little fuel tanks stacked on top of the long ones, though? Yeah, that was necessary after the first trial run revealed that I was short on fuel. This design really is cutting it close for the Mun, and I need to pilot it properly to get it home. Don't be afraid to throw a little more fuel at the problem just to be safe, you have more engine thrust anyway. On Minmus, this lander works quite comfortably because it needs less fuel to land and return.

(Mods used: RLA Stockalike, RLA Power Generation and TAC Life Support. For the Munraker XI, also KW Rocketry. I am proud to say however that no part clipping is required whatsoever.)

Edited by Streetwind

Collecting science from the Mun (2024)


Does Mun or Minmus give more science? ›

Science. Although the science-multipliers of Minmus's surface and orbit are quite low compared to that of other planets and moons (but a little higher than Mun), Minmus is comparably easy to reach and to return from and has a very large number of biomes which all yield different science results.

How to get science in kerbal space program? ›

Science may also be obtained upon successful completion of certain contracts, or gained through the implementation of administrative strategies. Science must either be recovered or transmitted in order to be used on Kerbin to unlock additional technologies.

What is the highest point on the Mun? ›

The Mun's highest points reach a maximum altitude of 7062 m and are located near the poles. The highest point within 45° latitude of the equator has an altitude of ~6120m and is located at 129.64° W, 0.97° N, on the north side of a canyon which is on the east edge of a large crater.

Is it easier to land on Minmus or the Mun? ›

Minmus is significantly smaller than The Mun, which means: Landing on, and achieving orbit from Minmus is significantly easier due to lower gravity, requiring much less fuel.

How long is a day on Minmus KSP? ›

Orbital Characteristics
Semi-Major Axis47 000 000 m (1)
Sidereal Rotation Period1 d 5 h 13 m 20 s (Kerbin time) 11 h 13 m 20 s (Earth time)
Sidereal Rotational Velocity9.3315 m/s
Synchronous Orbit357.94 km
25 more rows

Do NASA scientists play KSP? ›

He (Doug Ellison) notes that many at NASA use KSP to experiment in ways that their more unforgiving real-world environment wouldn't allow them to do. In essence, they can do a rough test of the many strange ideas that never quite make it off the 'sketch on a napkin'.

Why am I not getting science in KSP? ›

In order to get the data home, you need to recover your vessel. Important Science Fact: whatever you do in the field, you won't get any Science Points until you return the results, either by radio transmission or by recovering the vessel (or Kerbal) where the results are kept.

How much science do you need to unlock everything in KSP? ›

Unlocking the entire tree requires 18 468 Science including the hidden nodes, but 16 918 without. Before difficulty modifiers, there are 392 019.3 Science points available from experiments, and 6 055.8 from recovered vessels.

Can you orbit the MUN? ›

Synchronous orbit around the Mun is not possible, since it would have to occur at an altitude of 2 970.58 km, beyond the Mun's sphere of influence. However, putting your spacecraft just outside Mun's SOI and having the same semi-major axis would make it appear stationary.

How to win the best delegate in MUN? ›

You will win best delegate by being nice, friendly and human. If you don't, it will be easier for others to turn the room against you. The P5 caucus gives you a chance to speak to the others away from the room. However, according to almost all Rules of Procedure, the rest of the committee get to set in an unmod.

How to stand out in MUN? ›

  1. Introduce yourself to the Chairs of your committee. Let them know who you are and who you represent. Always be polite with them and be patient if they are taking longer than you would like to do something. ...
  2. Don't overdo it. They will recognize any delegate who is sucking up to them and won't like it.

How many biomes are on MUN KSP? ›

Mun. The biggest moon of Kerbin, called the Mun, has a total of 17 biomes, 7 of which are uniquely named major craters. The Mun has the largest amount of biomes in the Kerbol System. Most of the surface area belongs to the Midlands biome followed by the Highlands.

Does the MUN rotate? ›

An enduring myth about the Moon is that it doesn't rotate. While it's true that the Moon keeps the same face to us, this only happens because the Moon rotates at the same rate as its orbital motion, a special case of tidal locking called synchronous rotation.

How do you navigate to the MUN? ›

If you want to reach the Mun on the first swing around, wait until Mun rises just above the horizon. A good rule of thumb is for each 100 km you are above Kerbin, wait another 2 seconds. Once it does, begin a forward burn, and keep an eye on your map, as the apoapsis moves out towards Munar orbit.

How do I get from Mun to Minmus? ›

To get to Minmus, you have to get inside Minmus' SOI, and to do that from Mun, you have to leave Mun's SOI. Going from one moon to another within a planetary system is a similar transfer then going from one planet to another in a star system.

What does minmus taste like? ›

Minmus had always been described as having the taste of minty ice-cream, but some other flavors have popped up as well, such as that of a burnt mint marshmallow.

Does Minmus have an atmosphere? ›

does mimus have an atmosphere? Nope. No and it also has lower gravity than Mun so you don't need as many fuel. FYI Only planets have atmospheres, moons never have atmosphere, except for 1 moon (Laythe).

How many biomes does Minmus have in KSP? ›

The moon of Kerbin, called Minmus, has a total of 9 biomes.


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